Visitors up to 90 days
Foreign radio amateurs with a CEPT license can operate amateur radio in Finland without a special permit for a stay of up to three months. The temporary call sign to be used is OH/your call (just the prefix OH without district number). If you operate in Åland, you need to use OH0 instead of OH, and in case you organize a trip to Märket Reef, the correct prefix is OJ0.
How to get an OH station license and a call sign
OH/OH0/OJ0 station licenses can be applied from the Finnish telecommunication authority Traficom. These licenses are valid up to five years and licenses are renewed automatically.
Before submitting your application to Traficom, you need to have appropriate HAREC license to proof your personal qualification for amateur radio operations. In addition to HAREC license, you need to pass so called K module of national amateur radio exam. The K module includes questions of national amateur radio regulations and basics of amateur radio communication.
There is no study material available for K module in English, but many local ham radio clubs are willing and capable to help you in preparation for an exam. You may find contact information of local ham radio clubs from SRAL web site. When you feel that you are ready for an exam, you need to contact a licensed examiner and agree location and time for an exam. You may find examiners’ contact information from SRAL web site.
How to become a radio amateur in Finland
You are very welcome to this hobby even if you do not have any background with ham radio. In this case you need to follow our national examination system and pass ham radio examination including module K and T1. As mentioned above, the K module includes basics of ham radio communication and national regulations. T1 module includes basic knowledge about technology, antennas, electronics etc. This combination gives you basic level operation license with power limit up to 100 watts in HF bands.
If you desire to have a general class license, you have to pass more advanced T2 module. General class license is required for higher power level, maximum in HF bands is 1.500 watts.
The process for getting a national operation license is the same than completing the K module described above. The best source of help is local ham radio clubs (see the list of clubs) and examination arrangements are similar as well.
How to become a member of SRAL
You are very welcome to join to the Finnish Amateur Radio League SRAL. You may apply for a membership by sending an application on our web site.
Some benefits for being a member of SRAL are:
- a paper and a digital copy of Radioamatööri magazine
- downloadable digital copies of magazines of other Nordic amateur leagues (Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland)
- free service to send and receive QSL cards
- email forwarding service for addresses like, e.g.
- permission to operate remote station OH3N (previously call was OH2A), which any member of SRAL can operate using a web browser — with no additional station hardware needed!
Questions about amateur radio in Finland can be sent to
Band plans
For more information about frequencies see the band plans linked below: