
Awards offered by the Finnish Amateur Radio League SRAL

The general rules of the OH awards

OH awards are the official certificates of the Finnish Amateur Radio League. All awards are available for amateur radio operators, amateur radio clubs and short wave listeners. For these awards you have to work stations situated in Finland (included OH, OH0 and OJ0). You can use all frequenses and CW, FONE or/and DIGITAL modes.

All contacts must be worked after 10.6.1947. For OHA-500 QSOs worked after 1.2.1967 are valid. Contacts with /AM and /MM stations are not valid. Also contacts via repeaters are not valid. For different station accept every different callsign. If same station have been in different call area (OH3RM and OH3RM/7) it count as two different station. If a station use callsign with /M or /P, it count as the same station than without /M or /P mark. For example OH2A and OH2A/P is the same station and it count only once.

The list of contacts which included the callsigns of worked stations and the date of QSOs have to be in callsign area and in alphabetical order. For example OH1A, OH1B, OH2A etc. If you apply more than one award in the same time one CFG is enough. You have to clearly mark which award or awards you apply. Contacts worked with different callsigns and from different QTHs are accepted, if applier is the same. Tell in the application, if you want the used band or mode is marked to the award.

All contacts for OH Awards must to be confirmed by QSL cards. Application must be verified by 2 (two) hams or the award manager of your own league.

Send applications to the address:
SRAL/Award Manager, P.O. Box 44, FI-00441 Helsinki, Finland.

Award fee is 5 euros, 8 USD or 10 IRC per award.

SRAL 100 years award

Please see the front page for more information.


Finnish stations need to work at least nine call areas on two separate bands. The call areas are: OH0, OH1, OH2, OH3, OH4, OH5, OH6, OH7, OH8 and OH9. European stations need to work nine call areas. No band restrictions. DX stations need to work five call areas. No band restrictions. These OH8 stations count to OH9, if the contacts have been worked before 1.6.1954: ND, NJ, NS, NV, NX, OA, OB, OC, OG, OI, ON, OP, OQ, OR, OU, OX, OZ, PA, PB, PD, PF, PL, PM and PQ.


You have to work at least 100 different Finnish stations such that all ten call areas are worked on two separate bands. The other rules are the same as the rules of the OHA award.


The Finnish stations have to work 300 different Finnish stations such that all the ten call areas are worked on three separate bands. Europeans need to work 150 different stations such that nine call areas are worked. DX stations need to work 75 different stations such that five call areas are worked. The other rules are the same as the rules of the OHA award.


The Finnish Amateur Radio League (SRAL) published this award in 1967 for the 50th independence day of Finland. Finnish stations need to work 500 different stations. Europeans have to work 250 different stations and DX stations need to work 125 different stations.


Finnish stations have to work 600 different Finnish stations such that all ten call areas are worked on five separate bands. Europeans need to work 300 different stations such that all ten call areas are worked on two separate bands. DX stations need to work 150 different stations such that five call areas are worked on three separate bands. The other rules are the same as the rules of the OHA award.

The OHA plaques

OHA-1000, OHA-2500 and OHA-5000 are available for 1000, 2500 and 5000 worked Finnish stations. These are beautiful plaques made by wood. Stickers are available for each new 250 worked stations for each plaque.

The OHA plaques are official awards of the Finnish Amateur Radio League (SRAL). All plaques and stickers are available for amateur radio operators, amateur radio clubs and short wave listeners. For these plaques you have to work stations situated in Finland (included OH, OH0 and OJ0). You can use all frequencies and CW, FONE or/and DIGITAL modes.

All contacts must be worked after 10.6.1947. Contacts with /AM and /MM stations are not valid. Also contacts via repeaters are not valid. For different station accept every different callsign. If same station have been in different call area (for example OH3RM and OH3RM/7) it count as two different station. If station use callsign with /M or /P it count as the same station as without /M or /P mark. For example OH2A and OH2A/P is the same station and it count only once.

The list of the contacts must be in callsign area and in alphabetical order. For example OH1A, OH1B, OH2A etc. If you apply more than one plaque or sticker in the same time one list is enough. Tell in the application, if you want the used band or mode is marked to the award.

All contacts for OH plaques must be confirmed by QSL cards. The application should be verified by two hams or the award manager of your own league. The award manager of SRAL have a right to ask to see any QSL card, if needed.

Send applications to the address: SRAL/Award Manager, P.O. Box 44, FIN-00441 Helsinki, Finland. Plaque fee is 55 euros or 66 USD. Sticker fee is 10 euros or 12 USD.

V/U/SHF awards


For OHA-VHF award you need to work Finnish stations on the VHF, UHF or SHF bands. You have to collect 150 points. Each 10 kilometers give one point. For example 289 kilometers give 28 points. You are allowed to work same station twice. The contacts via repeaters are not valid. Contacts worked with different callsigns and from different QTHs are accepted, if applier is the same. The QSOs must be confirmed by QSL cards. The list of contacts must include the callsigns of the worked stations, the date of the QSOs, band, mode, loc., QRA and points. The list must be verified by two hams. Stickers are available for 25, 50, 75, 100 and 200 contacts. If you have also worked all the ten call areas of Finland, you can apply OHA-VHF 0-9 award.

Send applications to the address: SRAL/Award Manager, P.O. Box 44, FIN-00441 Helsinki, Finland. Award fee is 5 euros, 8 USD or 10 IRC per award.


For this award Finnish and Scandinavian stations need to work on 144 MHz band 15 squares, which are located in Finland. Contacts worked with different callsigns accepted, if applier is the same. Contacts can be worked from different QTHs, but QTHs must be located in a circle, whose diameter is max. 100 kilometers. The center of the circle have not to be your home QTH. You can apply a new award for each five new squares (20, 25 etc.).


For this award Finnish and Scandinavian stations need to work on 432 MHz band 5 squares, which are located in Finland. Other rules are the same as the rules of the OHA-VHF 144 award.

OHA-SHF 1296

For this award Finnish and Scandinavian stations need to work on 1296 MHz band 5 squares, which are located in Finland. Other rules are the same as the rules of the OHA-VHF 144 award.

OHA-SHF 2300, 5650, 10000, 24000

For this award you need to work on 2300 MHz, 5650 MHz, 10 000 MHz or 24 000 MHz band 2 squares, which are located in Finland. Stickers are available for each two new squares and every QSO, whose length is over 200 kilometres. Other rules are the same as the rules of the OHA-VHF 144 award.

The follow squares accepted for V/U/SHF awards:
JO99, KO09, KO19, KO29, JP90, KP00, KP10, KP20, KP30, KP40, KP01, KP11, KP21, KP31, KP41, KP51, KP02, KP12, KP22, KP32, KP42, KP52, KP03, KP13, KP23, KP33, KP43, KP44, KP14, KP24, KP34, KP44, KP54, KP25, KP35, KP45, KP16, KP26, KP36, KP46, KP17, KP27, KP37, KP47, KP08, KP18, KP28, KP38, KP48, KP09, KP29, KP39, KP49.

OHCA – The OH County Award

For the OHCA you need to work OH counties. The contacts worked after 1.2.1974 accepted. For the OHCA CW award the contacts worked after 1.1.1983 accepted.

The OHCA award have three classes:
1. class: OH stations all counties (488), European stations 226, DX stations 113
2. class: OH stations 400 counties, European stations 200, DX stations 100. Minimum for OH stations for each area are: OH1 84, OH2 36, OH3 45, OH4 23, OH5 26, OH6 77, OH7 35, OH8 45, OH9 18 and OH0 6.
3. class: OH stations 320 counties, European stations 160, DX stations 80. Minimum for OH stations for each area are: OH1 71, OH2 29, OH3 36, OH4 18, OH5 21, OH6 64, OH7 28, OH8 35, OH9 12 and OH0 6.

OH stations must work all contacts from the same call area. The list of contacts must be in order of county numbers. Application must be verified by 2 (two) hams or the award manager of your own league.

Send applications to the address: SRAL/Award Manager, P.O. Box 44, FIN-00441 Helsinki, Finland. Award fee is 5 euros, 8 USD or 10 IRC per award.


The CW contacts worked after 1.1.1983 accepted. Other rules are the same as the rules of the OHCA.

The YL awards

The Finnish Amateur Radio League (SRAL) have four different YL awards. The target is to work as many OH YL stations as possible. If same station have been in different call area (OH1LAG and OH1LAG/7) it count as two different stations. All contacts have to be confirmed by QSL cards. You can get a mark for used band or mode in the award, if you ask. The application have to include the callsigns, the date of the QSOs, band, mode and the names of the worked YL operators.

Send applications to the address: SRAL/YL Manager, P.O. Box 44, FIN-00441 Helsinki, Finland.
Award fee is 5 euros, 8 USD or 10 IRC per award.

The YL awards:

FinnmaidOH-YL 22OH-YL 33OH-YL 88

Suomen Järvet-awardi – The Lakes of Finland Award

For this award you need to work 25 Finnish stations, which are located nearer than 100 meters from a lake or which are in a boat on a lake. Stickers are available for each 25 new lakes. No band or mode restrictions. The contacts via repeaters are not valid. The contacts worked after 1.7.2000 accepted. The application must include callsigns, the dates of the QSOs, bands, modes, the name of the worked lakes and the counties, where the lakes are located in.

Send applications to the address: SRAL/Award Manager, P.O. Box 44, FIN-00441 Helsinki, Finland. Award fee is 5 euros, 8 USD or 10 IRC per award. Stickers cost 2 euros.

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