Kom med och utveckla amatörradioverksamheten inom IARU R1 Shaping the Future-projektet

Internationella radioamatörunionen IARU Region 1 söker volontärer för att gå med i Shaping the Future-projektet, som syftar till att utveckla radioamatöraktiviteter inom flera olika områden. Projektet Shaping the Future, som startade redan 2021, har definierat sex områden för amatörradioaktivitet som projektet vill utveckla. Region 1-området omfattar länder i Europa, Afrika och Mellanöstern.

Alla som är intresserade av amatörradio kan delta i Shaping the Future-projektet. Du behöver inte vara medlem i SRAL eller något annat nationellt radioamatörförbund, och inte heller är radioamatörbehörighet en förutsättning för deltagande. Kunskaper i det engelska språket är dock nödvändiga eftersom verksamheten är internationell!

Läs IARU R1:s engelskspråkiga inbjudan till Shaping the Future-projektet nedan. Bifogat finns också en intervjuvideo där IARU R1-president Sylvain Azarian F4GKR och sekreterare Mats Espling SM6EAN berättar mer om projektet.

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IARU Shaping the Future article

Shaping the Future of Amateur Radio and what you need to know.

Shaping the future of Amateur Radio is an initiative of the International Amateur Radio Union Region 1 launched after a week-long workshop in October 2021 in which over 50 countries and 100 radio amateurs participated. The workshop identified eight Strategic Objectives that would form the basis for further work. Seven workgroups were formed to take on the eight Objectives and to consider what would be needed to harness Amateur Radio’s legacy and take it forward to meet todays’ and tomor row’s expectations both from our current and future generations.

After considerable time devoted by the initial volunteer working groups their work output was consolidated into six priority scope areas:

  • Build a public relations programme to promote Amateur Radio.
  • Be recognized as useful to society.
  • Establish and maintain connections with other communities.
  • Training & self-development for radio amateurs.
  • Broaden the technical focus of Amateur Radio: 21st century technologies.
  • Include Amateur Radio in public education.

“We are much indebted to the work carried out by the members of the initial seven workgroups”, IARU Region 1 President Sylvain Azarian F4GKR said. “We have a sound basis to move the campaign forward and invite radio amateurs to come forward and help us with the big task ahead of us. Here is an opportunity to give back to Amateur Radio and share your expertise and experience.”

Why do we need to shape the future face of Amateur Radio differently from
yesterday and todays Amateur Radio?

Amateur Radio is a fascinating hobby that has withstood the test of time. No one can take that away. But the world around us has changed and it is changing at a rapid rate. New technologies get developed faster and are replaced with newer more advanced technologies faster than ever before. Amateur Radio is not immune to this. An example of this is home construction. Components become smaller and smaller to the point where machine placement is the only way to populate a PC board. Does this mean home construction is dead? By no means. It has changed the way we do things. In the commercial world it is called system design. Radio Amateurs do the same, home construction by designing systems and building them with individual modules built by machines. We still design, develop and build, just in a different way.

While DXing and contesting will always be part of amateur radio, it will be just the way we go about it that will differ. Where in years gone by AM was replaced by SSB, we now see the rise of digital voice and digital communication like FT8 and many new derivatives.

Amateur Radio like everything else in our daily lives will have to move with the timesand incorporate these new editions, widen the scope, so that Amateur Radio will remain attractive to the older generation but also cater the expectation of the younger and future generations making it attractive to them to take us forward. Today’s youth will be the future radio amateurs!

The IARU needs your help in shaping the future of Amateur Radio. Not just the support of your national society or radio club board, but participation of individuals with a passion for Amateur Radio and technology, who can share their expertise and knowledge in developing programmes and projects and open doors to other institu tions and facility that will help us secure an innovative future for Amateur Radio. Together we can make it happen!


Visit www.iaru-r1.org and click on “Shaping the Future” to learn more. A short video can also be found on the IARU region 1 YouTube channel (link from the website) or by a direct link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JCuiJoAyro.

For further information please email secretary@nulliaru-r1.org

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