IARU Region 1:n 24. yleiskokous Saksan Landshutissa 16.–23.9 2017
Kolmen vuoden välein pidettävän yleiskokouksen oli järjestänyt Saksan Radioamatööriliitto, DARC, Munchenin lähellä sijaitsevassa Landshutin maaseutukaupungissa. Kokouksen tärkeimmiksi tavoitteiksi todettiin taajuuksiemme suojelu ja niiden käyttäjien turvaaminen pitkälle tulevaisuuteen. Uusien nuorien radioamatöörisukupolvien saaminen harrasteemme pariin on meidän kaikkien keskeinen tavoite.
Don, G3BJ, jatkaa Region 1:n puheenjohtajana, sekä Faisal, 9K2RR, varalla. Hans, PB2T, valittiin Region 1:n sihteeriksi. Skandinavian maista executive committeehen valittiin Mats, SM6EAN.
Kokous valitsi myös komiteoiden ja työryhmien puheenjohtajat. Esimerkiksi hyvää työtä tehnyt Lisa, PA2LS, jatkaa Region 1 nuorisotyöryhmän puheenjohtajana.
IARU:n tiedote
International Amateur Radio Union, Region 1
21 September 2017
The 24th General Conference of IARU Region 1 opened on Sunday 17 September 2017 with 40 Member Societies present at Conference and 13 Member Societies represented by proxies. The Conference was held at the Sparkassenakademie Bayern in Landshut, Germany and hosted by the Deutsche Amateur Radio Club (DARC).
Progress was made at the conference on a number of topics that are of key concern to radio amateurs. This came from getting people together over several days and facing them with the realities that we need to protect our spectrum as well as address the declining numbers of active Radio Amateurs.
The Conference reviewed the strategy of IARU Region 1, its finances and membership. Other matters reviewed includes the work of a number of permanent Committees, Working Groups and coordinators, including EMC, Political Relations, Emergency Communications, Youth, ARDF, Development of Amateur Radio in developing countries, Spectrum development and protection via ITU, CEPT and the World Radiocommunication Conferences (External Relations Committee), Intruder Watch, Space and High-Speed Telegraphy.
Conference also reviewed policy in the key spectrum areas of LF/HF and VHF/UHF/Microwave. Discussions extended over a range of areas, including band planning, contest, remote working and innovative developments in the areas of satellites and digital TV. The position on future World Communication Conferences was also discussed.
A full report of the proceedings of the final Plenary will be published in due course on the IARU Region 1 web site at www.iaru-r1.org.
The Region 1 Roy Stevens, G2BVN, Memorial Trophy, the highest recognition that Region 1 can award, was awarded to Colin Thomas, G3PSM for his outstanding contribution to amateur radio and the work of IARU over several decades.
A new Executive Committee was elected during the Final Plenary of the 24th IARU Region 1 General Conference. The Executive Committee for 2017 to 2020, who will start their term of office on 31 October 2017, are
President: Don Beattie, G3BJ
Vice President: Faisal Al-Ajmi, 9K2RR
Treasurer: Andreas Thiemann, HB9JOE
Secretary: Hans Blondeel Timmerman, PB2T
Members: Oliver Tabakovski, Z32TO; Sylvain Azarian, F4GKR, Alessandro Carletti, IV3KKW, Mats
Espling, SM6EAN, and Joerg Jaehrig, DJ3HW.
The 25th IARU Region 1 General Conference will be held in September 2020 in Nova Sad, Serbia, hosted by SRS.