Vasemmalta/Left: VE7NY, N2RJ, OH2BH, K1JT, K2QI, KO8SCA ja G6CBR
The project took over four years to complete; James Sarte, K2QI and Adrian Ciuperca, KO8SCA are the key amateur operators who worked on the project and as such they will be the recipients of the Yasme Excellence Award 2020.
The team used a slick in-house remote concept, whereby the station is located at the 42nd floor while the control head is located on the ground floor of the UN Headquarters in New York City.
ARRL Hudson Divisions Director Ria Jairam N2RJ and Yasme Director Martti Laine OH2BH will be jointly presenting the Yasme award at the UN Headquarters in New York City on Friday, March 6, 2020.
This ceremony will be topped with the first-ever FT8 QSO from 4U1UN – with its inventor Joe Taylor, K1JT at the controls. First twenty-five QSOs will be awarded by U.N special certificate signed by Joe.
What perfect timing! — following the ceremony the group of K2QI, G6CBR, N2RJ, OH2BH, KO8SCA and VE7NY will activate 4U1UN in the ARRL DX SSB Contest.
By the way, this will be a much more complex exercise than you might imagine, since, for security reasons, the operators will need to be escorted at all times by the UN security officers. See you in the air!
From United Nations ARC, 4U1UN
New York, March 4th, 2020
Yasme Foundation antoi tunnustuksen työstä 4U1UN-aseman hyväksi
ARRL Hudson Divisions Director Ria Jairam N2RJ ja Yasme Director Martti Laine OH2BH palkitsivat James Sarten, K2QI ja Adrian Ciupercan, KO8SCA Yasme Excellence Award 2020:lla panoksestaan 4U1UN-aseman aikaansaamiseksi. Tilaisuus järjestettiin YK:n päämajalla New Yorkissa 6.3.2020. 4U1UN-sema sijaitsee YK:n päämajan 42:ssä kerroksessa.
Seremonian jälkeen Joe Taylor, K1JT, lähetti ensimmäisen FT8 QSO:n tunnuksella 4U1UN. Ensimmäiset 25 QSO:ta palkitaan Joen signeeraamalla erikoisawardilla.
4U1UN aktivoitiin myös ARRL DX SSB Contestissa.